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We have been speaking to quite a few different people lately and we were surprised about what a few people thought about financial planners. Here are the top ones…

  1. I don’t have enough money to need a planner.

Sounds like you actually do need one. Planners don’t just help people build more money, they help people get money to begin with. maybe, just maybe, you don’t have enough money because your money doesn’t work anywhere near as hard for you as you do for it. Thank about that one

2. They just want to sell insurance.

Sounds like you are confusing a insurance broker to a financial planner? A good planner will discuss insurance as they need to at least record they have discussed it from a compliance point. but they will also ask you want you want to achieve, what your short and long term goals are and what you are wanting to do or sacrifice to achieve them.

3.  I don’t need a planner. I can make money on my own.

This is great to hear. Maybe you don’t. have a think about the wealthiest people you know. We are talking about the mega rich. Even they consult an adviser of some sort before they make a trade or move some money around. Why? Well an outsiders opinion can be valuable. There is less emotion when it is not your money and a second opinion can sometimes help save or make you more money.

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